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US Ex-President under attack

(By-Foreign Correspondent) The recent attack on Mr. Donald Trump was as incredible as 9/11. It can happen only in America! Many dirty-minded people are asking all sorts of funny questions. How is it that everyone was so sanguine even after the first bullet was fired? How were the ex-President’s Body Guards so sure, after he was hit on the ear that no more bullets would be fired? How else, can one explain him being repeatedly exposed, in full view, and he himself punching the air with his fists not once but several times? How was it that the Police and Security Personnel did not act despite being told that someone with a Rifle was crawling on a roof which had a direct line of sight to the podium?  Since after being informed, reportedly the security was keeping an eye on him, how 7 shots got fired before the would-be assassin was downed? And why did the security forces shoot to kill, when maiming would have been more appropriate to get to the bottom of the whole episode?  Why in US, most Presidents or would be Presidents assassinations’, or failed ones, always have inbuilt pre-preconditions that prevent closure? How did the bullet just graze the ex-president’s ear when it killed another person? 

It was astonishing for most to see the entire episode being played out live on Television, so much so for delayed broadcasting! It has certainly not only exposed the chinks but may have put thoughts in the minds of future evildoers. The USA which prides itself on technology, the latest guns, manpower and tracking gadgets can let it happen? Things don’t seem to add up. The fact that basic security SOPs were given a pass-by seems to point at something? Or is it a real, serious system failure? Till now, based on reports in the media, most agree that it was a lone-wolf attempt. The fact that a 20-year-old could carry out something against a massive security machinery which prides itself in not only foolproof security to its VIPs and its citizens but gives advice to other nations on their security has had many thinking. When USA has failed miserably to protect its own Presidential candidate and one of its most prominent citizens, should its counsel be heeded at all? And what about the moral responsibility and resignations we hear so often in India? Do Americans have similar morals? 

Another interesting fact is that the shooting was an all-white affair. The Ex-President is  White, the would-be assassin was White and most Secret Service agents were white. Wo behold a situation where a black was involved. Pandemonium would break out. Many Americans continue to be deeply racist as the George Floyd case proved. Racism exists in many colours. The much smooth lecturing, peace-loving, democratic nation showed its true colours when it broke up students’ pickets violently and put them in Jail during the recent spate of agitations in Campuses. Also many would prefer to point at the gun culture of America to be the sole reason. If that be so and NRA not budging from its well-known stand on guns, what’s to be done? While many in west opine India has a split personality, USA definitely has one. In most matters, USA has lost its bragging rights. It’s sad that its future generation is lacking in direction, democratic values and compassion. In fact, US security agencies should now concentrate more on juveniles rather than adults. Juveniles are more impressionable and seem to be getting very adept at carrying out shootings. Look at some figures: 

School shootings jumped 124% between the 2020–21 and 2021–22 school years. Number of school shootings at public and private elementary and secondary schools, school years 2000–01 through 2021–22

2000–01  30, 2001–02  17, 2002–03  24, 2003–04  34, 2004–05  44, 2005–06  51, 2006–07  64 , 2007–08  16, 2008–09  52, 2009–10  15, 2010–11, 18, 2011–12  16, 2012–13  26 ,2013–14  46 , 2014–15  43, 2015–16,  38, 2016–17  48, 2017–18  89,2018–19  115, 2019–20  116, 2020–21  146,2021–22  327

It seems that school kids are getting better at shootings with each year. It would help Security Agencies in USA to have informers in schools and even take in school kids as consultants! A couple more of very serious suggestions; USA can consider outsourcing VIP Security to India’s SPG. This would be in line with many other specialized jobs which it outsources regularly to India. Advise the Presidential Candidates to wear, special designer-built, bulletproof Kevlar Vests and Head Gear which are inconspicuous and well-hidden while delivering open public speeches. Ballistic Shields should be compulsory wherever there is perceived danger. Optics is definitely important but life is VIPs is more important. It’s better to be safe than sorry. One should not sacrifice concern for self over macho portrayals. Guns and Rifles should be deposited by citizens when/where a rally takes place.

Tracking of Gun Owners and their giving information & file returns on usage should become compulsory, and duly enforced by law agencies. Counselling of suspected cases/border cases should be carried out. An Indian commentator, with a military background, commented that the would-be assassin was obviously not a military person or someone with military training or else missing at 150 yards is rare. Further, a headshot may not be the most appropriate. Chilling! In USA, all sorts of training in the use of Firearms is available. It’s difficult to buy medicines over the counter in US but it’s quite so easy to buy guns. Just go to Walmart! Imagine a 20-year-old could almost carry off the dastardly deed with such an élan; we shudder to even think what a better-trained person or one with other helpers could do. 

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