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The continuing saga of stray dogs menace in Indian cities

NewsIP readers will recall that we had promised to continue to cover the story of stray dogs in Indian cities. Well, we are fulfilling that promise with another short snipping on the recent developments. We wish to inform our valued readers that the High Court of Delhi, on Friday, directed the local government and NDMC to respond to the plea of the father of the girl child who was mauled to death, allegedly by stray dogs, in the Dhobi Ghat area of Tughlaq Lane Delhi, last month. The father, readers will recall, had made a plea for compensation of Rs 50 Lakhs. The court also observed that prima facie there was a failure on part of the authorities of obligations under the birth control rules and a case of compensation seems to be made out.
The court apprised certain statements made by police personnel and said, prima facie its apparent that there appeared to be failure on part of the authorities of the obligations. The petitioners counsel, during proceedings, pointed out various provisions of the Animal Birth Control Rules,2023 and said rules contemplate that feeding of animals should not be done in areas frequented by children. He also said that dogs were being fed in children’s park which put children at risk. It was also prayed that the authorities should take steps to shift the dogs elsewhere.
While our esteemed readers and News IP would indeed feel for the father in the instant case and pray that justice is done. It is also a bitter truth that nothing much is being done by the authorities, even now, to prevent recurrences. Readers will recollect how NewsIP has been in the forefront in bringing out the menace of stray dogs in India , attacking humans. Unless this grave hazard is tackled, civic life would be most adversely impacted.. The prophecy seems to be coming true, in city after city in India. At first sight, it may appear to be small issue but then even if this small issue is remaining unsolved, it says volumes about local governance and municipal functioning. Even as we write, there could be similar instances being repeated. Most don’t even get reported. It would indeed be a tragic day that in India this grows into a full blown epidemic. As reported earlier, India has 60 million stray dogs and accounts for 35% rabies deaths globally. Are these figures acceptable for a country which aspires to be a global power and third largest economy in next five years? Even in a neighboring country like Pakistan, it is reported that more than 50,000 dogs die every year on the streets and it is the government itself which has ordered the mass killing in almost every city of the country. Russia, Azerbaijan etc. also have active culling plans to deal with menace of strays. Netherland has rid itself of strays. Before India becomes overcome by the menace of stray dogs it has to take cogent, recognizable action to make the streets terror free.
Weleave it to the readers of NewsIP to carefully and conscientiously to apprise the situation and take a call. After all, doing away with stray dogs is not about compassion or cruelty towards an animal species, it’s about premature ending of human lives.

Government cracks down on certain dog breeds

Delhi High Court takes cognizance of Dog Menace

Stray Dog Menace raises its ugly head one again, this time in Andhra Pradesh


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