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Swachhta Pakhwada being Organized in SJVN

­­­SHIMLA : Smt. Geeta Kapur, Director (Personnel) administered Swachhta pledge to the employees at Corporate Head Quarters in the presence of Sh. A.K. Singh, Director (Finance) & Sh. Sushil Sharma, Director (Electrical).To mark the commencement of the Pakhwada,the pledge was also administered at all the Project locations of SJVN.

In line with the directions from Ministry of Power, Government of India, SJVN is observing Swachhta Pakhwada from 16th-31st May 2022 at its Corporate Headquarter, Shimla and at all the Projects.On this occasion, Sh. S. Patnaik, Executive Director (HR), Sh. D. Dash, Executive Director (Finance) and senior officials were also present.

Smt. Geeta Kapur informed that to propagate the message of Swachhta, SJVN isconducting various activities such as distribution of sanitization materials in local communities,special drive to encourage eco-friendly material instead of plastics, tree plantation drives, installation of dustbinsin public places andcleaning up of rivers situated nearby Projects area. During Pakhwada Special awareness campaign for promoting segregation of waste, vermicomposting, reuse of waste water for agricultureetc. will also be organized.

To make public aware of the importance of Swachhta, motivational speeches, competitions and awareness Programs will also be organized.

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