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NBCC Director Finance Appointment: A Divide Within

A recent recommendation for appointment at NBCC has sparked a heated debate, dividing the organization into two camps. The selection of an external candidate as Director of Finance has raised eyebrows, with some hailing it as a bold move and others questioning the decision.

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Internal Candidates Overlooked?

Some staff members feel that internal candidates were overlooked, despite their familiarity with the company’s inner workings. They argue that an internal appointment would have ensured a seamless transition and minimal disruption to the workflow.

Merit-Based Decision?

A top official at NBCC has defended the decision, stating that it was based on merit and qualifications. The official pointed out that external appointments are not unprecedented, citing the examples of the current and previous CMDs, who also came from outside the organization.

Will Performance Be Impacted?

A top official at NBCC has also the opinion that Despite the official’s assurances, some employees remain concerned that the appointment may impact the company’s performance. They worry that the new Director of Finance may take time to adjust to the company’s dynamics, potentially affecting ongoing projects. Only time will tell if this decision will pay off or lead to further divisions within the organization…….Ended…

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