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PSU Heads – Do they have any role

Oil & Gas Sector, even today, continues to play a significant role in the world economy. For India this sector plays a major role and impacts all the other important sections of economy. The growth of India’s economy is dependent on its energy demand. India is currently the third-largest consumer of oil in the world. Alternatives and other Green Energy sources may ultimately replace Oil & Gas but it may take some time. Therefore, currently, Indian Economy is by and large Oil Economy.

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This sector has grown substantially since independence. Both PSUs and Private Companies play quite a solid role in the sector. The Private Oil & Gas Companies having made a somewhat late entry in the sector, initially depended largely, for its skilled workforce on the labour pool which was mostly supplied by PSUs. For Senior & Middle level Managerial Expertise also PSUs were the source. Gradually the private sector developed its own Human Resources Group. The PSUs on the other hand, believed in making recruitments at lower levels for Staff & Officer and gave them career opportunities to progress to higher levels. The Heads of PSU Oil & Gas Companies which are mostly Board Managed have a lot of responsibility especially financial ones. Therefore, selection of these PSU Heads need to be done with utmost care. Over several decades, a well-established procedure for selection has been put in place. PESB is usually tasked with making selections for Chairman, MD, Directors of Oil & Gas PSUs. In recent times, selections or rather non-selections by PESB have been a source of concern of experts, as well as the common man.

NewsIP, has been sharing with its readers, through several articles (Links Given Below) some of the seedy details regarding selection by PESB. Recently a mainstream media house has suddenly chosen to also write about it. Well, sources point out that the unsavory goings on regarding the selection of several Heads of Oil & Gas PSUs and the role of PESB seem to have reached the highest quarters of the Government. There have been certain misgivings. The sudden spurt of no candidates being recommended by PESB for the highest posts in PSUs and resort to ‘Search Committee’ route seems not to have been taken very positively. NewsIP readers will recall, how it had shared the rather peculiar situation regarding the selection to the post of Chairman & MD of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Initially, PESB had rejected all the candidates who had applied for the position, not finding even a single person suitable and recommended the Search Committee Route. This led to the then Chairman & MD Indian Oil, getting several needless extensions, leading to speculations that he would never vacate the chair. The Search Committee thereafter conducted interview  but the results are yet to be announced. Similarly, for Chairman of HPCL, a Search Committee has been constituted which may include, among others, a Technical Expert who himself became the Chairman of Indian Oil by virtue of a double promotion from the post of Executive Director, without any Board experience.

All such strange happenings for the selection of the highest position in Oil & Gas PSUs seems to indicate that the concerned Ministries are in no hurry to make these vital appointments. One can understand the rather unperturbed approach of the mandarins but the government stand is a bit baffling, say the experts. Either it has not been informed of the urgency or the suitability of candidates is in doubt. Well, the Oil & Gas Companies actually provide sizeable finances to the government. As of now things are very delicately poised. he two raging wars could suddenly make the energy market go sideways. The approaching winter and rising demands in Europe may play a significant role in energy pricing. The middle east which often controls the prices of Oil & Gas, is at a flash point. The Sanctions imposed by USA and other Countries is a source of concern. The hostile neighborhood is also not very comforting. In such a situation, headless Oil & Gas Companies, are a recipe for disaster. Experts say, by and large, India has been lucky till now, however the future is uncertain. Should India not refrain from push its luck too far?

The common citizen has taken to asking the question is India not capable of having an impartial and clean system of selections? The NEET, UPSC, Teacher, Constable Selection scams seem to be endless. The PESB with its unusual functioning, has only added to the list. NewsIP has always maintained that Recruitment can become the starting point of Corruption. Delay in announcing results most certainly means all is not well.

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