New Delhi: PNGRB had an interaction with Media and other personnel where the vision and future path were shared. Mr Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas Mr Hardeep Puri presided, while Secretary MoP&NG Mr Pankaj Jain and Mr Anil Kumar Jian Chairman of PNGRB were also present.
At the outset itself, we at NewsIP, must place our appreciation for the diligent and appropriate steps being taken by PNGRB for the economic well-being and energy security of India.
As we have been telling our esteemed readers, Gas is a transitional fuel which should replace liquids which are more expensive, environmentally unfriendly and difficult to place at points of requirement of consumers.
Mr.Minister unfolded the plans for a more environmentally appropriate hydrocarbon energy source in the form of gas. He suggested that Gas would play a much bigger role in India. It was conveyed that about 15 per cent of needs will in future be met by Gas alone. The meet shared valuable insights into how Gas would be leveraged to develop a cost-effective, environmentally friendly and convenient fuel for future India.
This is indeed a very welcome move by PNGRB and augurs well for India. Of course, Sourcitie-upsups and Infrastructure developments have to be in place for which PNGRB has already itsit’s sights.
Our readers will appreciate that the current BJP Government and several Ministers including Mr Hardeep Puri have been working tirelessly to ensure the energy security of India.
Wars and Economic upheavals have been effectively tackled. India is poised to become the fourth largest energy consumer in the world which calls for massive efforts on behalf of the policy makers. The common man is often unaware of or takes for granted the difficulties which such endeavours entail.
What is actually required is that we all share the grand vision which the current government has for making an inclusive, strong and vibrant India.
It’s heartening that PNGRB has chosen to share all relevant information with the media.
We at NewsIP are proud to share with our readers the giant leaps being taken by organizations like PNGRB under the able Guidance of a visionary Prime Minister and dynamic Leadership of Petroleum Minister. We wish them and the citizens the very best at the onset of the festive season.