PFC to provide Motorized Tricycles for orthopedically impaired as part of its CSR Initiative

New Delhi, PFC, A Maharatna Company and India’s leading NBFC in power sector, has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) for distribution of Motorized Tricycles to Orthopedically Impaired Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjans) under its CSR initiative.
As per the MoA, PFC will provide a financial assistance of around Rs4.70crore to ALIMCOfor distribution of Motorized Tricycles. These Motorized tricycles will be distributed among the beneficiaries by organizing series of distribution camps at the block and the district level.
The MoA was signed in the presence of, Shri R.S. Dhillon, CMD, PFC, ShriRajan Sehgal (IFoS), Chairman and Managing Director ALIMCO.Shri Rizwanur Rahman, Executive Director (CSR) PFC and other Senior Officials ofALIMCO and PFC were also present on this occasion.
The Project will be implemented in a phased manner; wherein the 1st phase assessment camps will be conducted for the PWDs/Divyangjans; while in the 2nd phaseMotorized Cycles are meant to be distributed; and in the 3rdand final phasepost-distribution support will be given.
The project will help in providing greater rights and entitlements to PwDs by envisioning an inclusive and enabling environment.The major objective of considering this initiative is to enhance the quality of life ofdifferently-abled people and to assist them in procuring durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured modern, standard aids and appliances to promote physical, social and psychological rehabilitation by reducing the effects of disabilities and at the same time enhancing their economic potential.
As India’s leading public sector enterprise and a responsible corporate, PFC is committed to ensuring overall development of the society by extending financial support to various developmental initiatives in the areas of Health, Education and Skill Development.