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Nonavailability of coal or gas in the right quantities is the bane of the Power Sector

Today in India the two major sources of electricity production are coal and gas. Alternate sources have started making some notable strides but are still much small in comparison. In view of the several Press Notes issued by the Ministry of Energy, Government of India, recently one thing everyone is realizing is like every year the coming summer season may pose some problems to the electricity generation in India. The Power Ministry seems to be taking pre-emptive action so that it can later say in case of a deficit in electricity generation look we told you so. Otherwise, such directions given to electricity generation & distribution companies should be part of internal communication rather than Press Releases.
Electricity producing & distributing companies every year complain that the nonavailability of coal or gas in the right quantities is the bane of the Power Sector. In the press note issued by the Ministry, it has been told that we have given necessary instructions to GAIL and Coal India Limited specifically for the year 2023-24 to keep arrangements to meet the power consumption. Is it not the responsibility of these companies in any case? Do they require specific instructions to this effect? It is obvious that the Power Ministry is concerned at the performance of Gail and Coal India in the year 2021-22 which left the countrymen extremely disappointed.
We have always maintained that the role of Ministries and Babus needs to be in keeping with the business needs of Power Companies, Suppliers as well Customers. Mere issuing instructions and giving Press Releases seem to be a hands-off approach which has not worked in past. If India is to become a vibrant and dynamic economy new thoughts and action-oriented initiatives need to be adopted.

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