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Is it also raining Oil in Chennai? 

New Delhi: 20, December 2023, Almost a week has gone by since the disastrous Oil Spillage from CPCL. The IOCL group company which initially totally denied responsibility has now not been able to keep its solemn promise given to the State Environmental Tribunal for the removal of the leaked oil. The leak has wreaked havoc in and around Chennai. Most seem to downplay it. India’s image to tackle such spills now stands dented quite a bit. The fishermen are very concerned about their livelihood and residents in whose houses Oil has entered are facing a dire situation even today.

CPCL even now claims that the Oil has not leaked from its pipelines. Instead of tackling and solving the matter, it continues to issue justifications. This makes everyone wonder whether the rainfall is actually showering Oil in Chennai. It is surprising after such a long time two premier Oil Companies have not been able to tackle what is thankfully not a massive disaster. The two companies continue to put up a gallery show and attempt to evade responsibility.

NewsIP had shared with its readers the situation in its last post and the threat to humans and the environment due to this oil spillage. At the same time, NewsIP had reposed faith and confidence on the ability of CPCL & IOCL to quickly restore normalcy. Although NewsIP also had a slight inclination that CPCL and IOCL, two big profitable Oil Companies were not taking the matter seriously enough. Unfortunately, this confidence has been betrayed and the niggling doubt has now become a reality.

NewIP has always been championing that capable and technically competent professionals should be appointed as Heads of CPSE’s. It had also warned that those who simply want to continue in the chair, despite the end of tenure and not make way for younger persons to take up apex positions, ultimately become liabilities.
The leakage issue is not a minor one, it has criminal liability also and needs to be treated as such. A proper inquiry on these lines should immediately be instituted to find technical and administrative lapses. Those holding positions of power in CPCL & IOCL, who could tamper with the enquiry, should be directed to cease official functioning so that an impartial inquiry for both Civil and Criminal wrongs can be independently done without their influencing the investigations.

The mainstream media has now picked up the news of Oil Spillage and heated debates are on. NewsIP had tried to contact the Chairman’s Office in IOCL where it was directed to a much junior officer who predictably declined to comment, saying what could he possibly say in the matter.

The two companies -CPCL and IOCL seem to be least concerned about the sufferings of those affected as well as the general public who have a right to know the truth. The two companies seem to be brazenly denying involvement and ultimate responsibility so that those wielding power can continue to do so, unfettered. Promises have proven to be false and they seem to be confident that they need to just have the blessings of those who matter. Unless an exemplary punishment is given and persons made responsible it is feared that similar incidents will continue to happen in future as well.
It is one thing being close to political power centres and managing one’s own career but it is entirely different to show leadership qualities, especially in a crisis situation.

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