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Human nature is always to lust for more, why should current Chairman of IOCL be an exception?

NewsIP readers are aware how IOCL’s current head has been able to stick on to his throne, despite his tenure as well as extension being over. It’s a shame that the nation which claims to be on a path to become the third largest economy in world and with a massive population dividend is unable to find a single person to head its leading, Fortune 500 entity. Is it then surprising that many have started believing that the days of IOCL as a leading PSE is over. For its divestment, indeed a quality leader is not required. Of course in industry, there are other speculations regarding the appointment of the next Chairman of Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) are also very much alive. The current Chairman, Mr. S M Vaidya, is set to complete his extended, re extended (?) term on August 31, 2024. While the process of selecting his successor has raised several questions from the begenning, the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PSEB) conducted interviews for the position but found all candidates unqualified.

The board members unanimously decided that none of the candidates were suitable, promptly making the Ministry to form a Search cum Selection Committee to find a ‘suitable’ candidate.A Search cum Selection Committee, comprising the Petroleum Secretary, the Chairman of PSEB, and an expert, former CMD of HPCL Mr. Surana, was established. The committee set new criteria for the position and invited applications from interested candidates.Experts noted that developing new criteria involved considerable deliberation. Many say, in respect of raising the age and casting the net wide for more retired heads to come into the fold, why only Mr. Vaida? Some firmly believed that the age limit would be upwardly revised just at it was done in case of ONGC.It’s ironic that once the same ONGC Chairman asked junior executives to make way for others, who were more junior. Such is the almost maniacal attraction for the post of CMD be it in Upstream or Downstream. Current employees in the feeder cadre, are a hapless lot. They feel that such open tinkering around with regulations is highly restrictive for deserving candidates. Earlier selections to the position of D HR ONGC and IOCL have also raised eyebrows amongst deserving candidates, in both companies.

Apart from the issue of age limit, the Search cum Selection Committee’s final criteria included certain phrases have raised hope even among those far removed from the workings of the position. ONGC,IOCL,BPCL,HPCL are High Tech Companies and are best run by Engineers & Technocrats. For short term, stop gap arrangements a Non Technical person may be put in position but it should certainly not be as a permanent appointment. Therefore many applicants from Computer Operations to HR should be shown a clear picture from the beginning.Approximately 65 candidates have applied, for Chairman IOCL position but only 12 to 15 should get shortlisted l, depending on current norms. Another important aspect is, if the selection board previously rejected certain candidates, will the same candidates be reconsidered? If they are invited, a lacunae will arise, why were they rejected in the first instance? Well, is there a pre-determined plan to hand over the leadership of IOCL to a particular person even a rank outsider?
The preconditions, in the invitation to candidates, interestingly get all swept aside by insertion of a sentence at the end of the circular.Such sweeping conditions/exemptions are far from tenants of natural justice. It all adds up to having conditionalities which can be formulated (twisted) at the whim and fancy of the search committee.

Despite Neet, UPSC Scams, powers to be, seem to believe in tinkering with systems and have not learnt a lesson as yet. All a common citizen asks for is that a free, fair and unbiased exercise should be conducted. After all, it’s a PSU’s Head Selection and Taxpayers money is involved.
NewsIP wanted to seek the opinion of IOCL & MoPNG in the matter but efforts were to no avail. It’s quite apparent that Gandhiji’s 4 Monkeys are at play here.The more popular 3 Monkeys are only being adhered to while the 4th one of Not Doing Evil is being given a bypass.

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