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Government cracks down on certain dog breeds

New Delhi: Esteemed readers of NewsIP would be happy to note that its stand is once again vindicated. NewsIP has been running a relentless campaign against dogs that get violent and attack people.

Numerous incidents have been reported in rural as well as city limits,  NewsIP did its research and concluded that India is faced with a serious challenge. It was therefore heartening to note that the Government of India has issued instructions to enforce a prohibition on importing, breeding, and selling of aggressive dog breeds like Rottweiler, Pitbull, Terrier, Wolf dogs, and Mastiffs.

This action follows a recommendation from experts and animal welfare groups, prompted by a directive from the Delhi High Court. The government has also asked states to sterilize current pets of these breeds.

The following breeds have been identified for the ban, including mixed and crossbreeds:-

  • Pitbull Terrier
  • Tosa Inu
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Dogo Argentino
  • American Bulldog
  • Boesboel
  • Kangal
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dog
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  • South Russian Shepherd Dog
  • Tornjak, Sarplaninac
  • Japanese Tosa and Akita
  • Mastiffs
  • Rottweiler
  • Terriers
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Wolf Dogs
  • Canario
  • Akbash
  • Moscow Guard
  • Cane Corso

 What is most interesting is that many so-called dog lovers and experts are opposing the move of the government. They suggest that none of the dog breeds are ferocious, it is the humans who are to be blamed for the violent behaviour of dogs. Well, they seem to be missing the forest for the trees.

The breeds mentioned are usually bigger, well muscled and specially bred to be guard/ watch dogs. In this primary role of theirs, they are necessarily aggressive in behaviour and beyond a point ferocious. It’s their nature and instinctually driven. Many humans, especially in a country like India, who pride themselves on being experts or dog lovers in their committed approach tend to overlook and misinform the owners of the true nature of such breeds.

It’s also a fact that individual pet dogs may have different personalities and be docile. But no one can guarantee that they will not revert to their original aggressive nature at any point in time.  And a human’s life cannot certainly be compromised on mere chances. These breeds are suited to certain particular climates and conditions, requiring considerable amounts of money to maintain them.

Affluent countries while being liberal in terms of owning pets also spend substantial amounts on training, maintaining minimum standards of upkeep. and codes of behaviour in public. There are countries where a dog irrespective of the breed required to ‘heel’ and sit in the vicinity of children.

The penalties put on the owners upon breech and violent attacks by dogs are also significantly higher. The total liability that an owner of a dog may have to face makes him take all precautions lest he has to pay through his nose.  Contrarily most pet owners in India do not even take out licenses before owing a dog, let alone put up commensurate amounts of money on owing and maintaining dogs. Therefore it’s always an accident waiting to happen.

While the government move is welcome and bound to relieve a lot of stress amongst those who are on the receiving end of unwelcome activity by dogs what remains is the effective implementation of the orders. The menace of stray dogs is ever-increasing and has reached alarming levels. Children are not safe in parks or even near their own homes.

CCTV captures show the dogs attacking children with a vengeance and not letting go even when adults intervene.  There are very few streets in Metros and Cities where marauding packs or even solitary strays play havoc on walkers and bikers. These dogs, especially at night,  suddenly ambush innocent movers with disastrous consequences. Culling stray dogs by the authorities seems to be the only solution to tackle this menace, at present effectively.

Another important factor that is often overlooked is that there is a fear amongst citizens that if they act against these stray dogs or raise a protest then animal activists would file cases against them or otherwise make their lives miserable. The government needs to ensure that such animal activists are not allowed to make provocative acts against innocent citizens.

The credentials of such activists should be investigated properly, local RWAs should have knowledge about them and police authorities should register their names to give them legitimacy. 

NewsIP will continue to keep a sharp eye on future developments and keep its readers adequately clued up.

It’s a dog’s day after all


Stray Dog Menace raises its ugly head one again, this time in Andhra Pradesh

Delhi High Court takes cognizance of Dog Menace

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