Unveiling of new VISION STATEMENT of EIL

New Delhi, : The Energy landscape in India and across the Globe is changing at a swift pace and organizations across the globe are re-strategizing their business operations focused towards Sustainability, Climate Change and Energy Transition.
EIL, since its inception have always aligned its corporate and business strategies with Energy Ecosystem and aims to attain leadership position across the Energy Sector. To strengthen our resolve and commitments towards futuristic goals, we at EIL, would now be driven by our New “Vision Statement”:
“To be a Global Leader offering Total Energy Solutions for a Sustainable Future”
This new vision would steer us towards growth and transition pathway, thus, evolving EIL into a “Total Energy Consulting Organization” with leadership position across all the pillars and constituents of “Energy Sector”.
The Vision Statement would also motivate and drive us to strengthen our resolve and our aspirations to be ‘Global Leader’ providing complete range of solutions to its stakeholders across the energy Sector with focus on minimizing overall carbon footprints in processes and designs
We believe that this powerful vision statement, coupled with strong fundamentals, technical prowess and high skill sets that we possess, will further enthuse and motivate all of us at EIL to provide our niche and value added services across the Energy Landscape.