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Indian Oil AGM over..Mysterious Silence Prevails

New Delhi: NewsIP wishes to keep it’s readers abreast of latest in Oil&Gas sector with information coming of IOCL AGM being held today under a very tight tete e tete between the extended tenure Chairman and limited shareholders in closed-door video. No media person was invited nor anything was shared till going to print.
It deepens the mystery surrounding the functioning of IOCL.
It has after the COVID 19 not held a single open AGM with one-to-one meeting with shareholders. It’s one thing to hold an AGM in a limited manner just to carry out mere formalities under the Company Act and SEBI guidelines and being open and transparent in the spirit of holding AGM. Many industry watchers are questioning – Why Indian Oil Management under the current Chairman is persistent on a closed-door policy? Unless of course there is fear that a more transparent could lead to problems.

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