In a groundbreaking move towards eco-friendly fuel solutions, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) has introduced the first-ever Mobile MAK Adblue Dispenser in Kolkata. Launched under the leadership of Shri Sukhmal Jain, Director of Marketing at BPCL, the innovative dispenser addresses environmental concerns by providing easy access to MAK Adblue, a diesel exhaust fluid crucial for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions from BSVI diesel vehicles.
This battery-powered dispenser offers flexibility, mobility, and zero installation costs, revolutionizing the Adblue dispensing process.
Shri Sukhmal Jain highlighted the dispenser’s transformative impact, emphasizing BPCL’s commitment to customer-centric initiatives for enhanced convenience and efficiency. The launch event featured senior BPCL officials, reaffirming the company’s dedication to sustainable energy solutions.