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Modi Guarantee and the Triumph of the Double Engine Governance Model

New Delhi: Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh declared that the election results in four states signify a strong endorsement of the “Modi Guarantee” and the concept of a “Double Engine” government. Speaking at the BJP National Headquarters, he highlighted the trust people place in Prime Minister Modi’s words, emphasizing Modi’s consistent ability to translate promises into action. The “Double Engine Sarkar,” as explained by Dr. Singh, resonated with voters who felt that certain states were not reaping the full benefits of Modi’s welfare initiatives, drawing attention to issues like fund mismanagement and lack of accountability in places like Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. Dr. Singh also analyzed the electoral landscape in Telangana, attributing Congress’s victory to a default negative vote against the ruling party rather than a qualitative endorsement.

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Another noteworthy observation by Dr. Jitendra Singh was the transformation of India’s political culture under Modi’s leadership. He pointed out that Modi’s approach transcends traditional divides of caste, creed, and vote banks, exemplified by welfare schemes reaching those in need irrespective of their political or religious affiliations. Singh cited initiatives like Ujjawala, PM Awas Yozna, PM Swanidhi Yojna, and Vishwakarma Yojna as evidence of Modi’s commitment to neglected sections of society. Additionally, when questioned about the selection of chief ministers in the BJP-won states, Dr. Singh emphasized the party’s unique decision-making process, characterized by consensus-building and unanimous acceptance, in contrast to the dynasty-driven approach of Congress. More on

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